Friday 5 April 2013

Bonus find

Look what I found on my way into work.  I love blue glass too.  How fab was that?!
This image found on-line here makes me chuckle inside every time I think of it - really cheered me up yesterday after another day of evil office 'politics' - AKA back stabbing.  Is it really so much to just want to get on with my job?  Anyway - this is currently my 'go-to' pic to brighten my day.
Another rather wonderful find was at the continental market on in Exmouth last weekend.  A cheese bus!  How fantastic - I think I may have found my true calling.  :-)  We stocked up on cheese and also got some rather lovely olives, toulouse and merguez sausages (him), geranium soap (me) then watched the rugby in a local pub.  A weekend of win.


  1. Wow, an actual French van carrying actual French fromage! Fantastique! Shame I don't like cheese but I do like olives and some French saucissons.

    Love the little glass vase, I love blue glass too.

  2.'t like cheese??!!!! :-) Well I never. It was rather full of lovely things. We pigged out that night!

  3. Pretty flowers and I LOVE the blue too!

    Sorry to hear there are some horrors where you work...TFIFriday!

    I love your cheese van photo.. ingenious. And yummy buys.

    Sft x

    1. I really REALLY want to get a cheese van and drive it around the country. It'd get me away from the work horrors! :-)


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