The torrential rain of the last 2 or 3 days has caused flooding and seemingly, travel chaos all over the region. You'd think (and this from a nation of perennial weather moaners) we'd never had to deal with a bit of wet before! Due to my interminable saga of leg related tedious monotony I am still catching the train for the short hop to and from the shuttle bus for my work. When I got to the station on my way home last night mine was one of a whole 2 trains on the board that was actually running. I was glad of that! Felt for the poor souls in the 100+ strong queue across the front of the station waiting for a replacement bus though. I think that's why it's like a ghost town here in work today. Seems like everyone has stayed home and battened down the hatches. Wish I could have! The wind is howling and the rain is due to hammer it down some more. No doubt the river will continue rising - this is it last night at about 6.30pm.

There should be steps and paths down in that lot somewhere! The water was absolutely heaving past, you really would not want to fall in when it's shifting like that. It's always slightly sinister when it's so far from its normal self, I think. Seems like a much more malevolent force than usual.
There's the odd ray of sunshine and patch of blue sky; or there was this morning anyway. Autumn continues apace whether we like it or not.

It's 2 months today since I injured my leg and sad to say it seems to be infected again. I'm back on antibiotics - of 2 kinds this time. I shall get the results of a test tomorrow to determine which actual pathogen we are dealing with then perhaps I will be given something targeted and we can finally get rid of this thing once and for all!! I hope so; thoroughly fed up with it now as is everyone around me I'm sure. The Chap has been brilliant, doing all the cooking, washing up etc. I'm itching to get back in the kitchen now after so long a forced abstinence but the Chap has dictated that I am not allowed at the moment. I want to get my
Random Recipe for this month done before the cut off date, I want to cook an idea I've been toying with in my head of 'Devon Dodgers' - I'm thinking a cross between these
Devon flats I made before and a jammy dodger, primarily because there's 2 full jars of waitrose jam sat at work needing to be used up that I have permission to make something nice from. I want to feel like I'm doing something for him for a change rather than the other way round too! I want the house to smell of good things and be able to think 'I did that'. I think it's the hibernation vibe kicking in; it's dark now in the morning when I get up and in the evening when I leave work, plus it's cold, wet and windy and the mournful wind makes it sound even worse. And now I am truly wittering away. I hope you are warm and dry wherever you may be, and that I get to do some cosy baking soon. :-)
Stay safe dear girl, and do please get that leg sorted out! Hugs!
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry to hear your leg is no better, it must be so frustrating. I hope you manage to get it sorted soon.
ReplyDeleteEverywhere here is so wet that surface water has nowhere to go, fields and paths are flooded, although nowhere near as badly as other areas of the country.
I'm sitting here wrapped up in my pyjamas and fleecy dressing gown, under a lovely fleecy blanket while the wind howls outside...bliss!
Thank you both. :-) it is indeed the weather to cosy up at home I think!