This is one of those cases. Whilst hunting down who originally wrote the marmalade ice-cream recipe I wrote about yesterday I saw a mention on a blog post of marmalade ginger bread. This intriguing idea led me on a hunt round the t'internet to find a definitive recipe and also - whose it was. This last is difficult as I've found exactly the same recipe several places but here seems to be the earliest. I've adapted it but that's the base original. I adapted it primarily because I wanted to use up some carrot (left over from the stuffed carrots I made for random recipes) and replace some of the flour with wholewheat. I then discovered I had less golden syrup that the recipe called for so upped the amount of marmalade in it's place. I also changed the spices and if I made it again I'd change them more.
So for Turquoise Lemons' Preserves No Waste food challenge here's my unplanned yet snappily titled:
Marmalade & Carrot Ginger Spice Bread
75g butter
115g golden syrup
75g lemon marmalade
185g orange marmalade
100g carrot
50g wholewheat flour*
175g SR Flour
0.5 tsp BP
4tsp ground ginger
1tsp ground cinnamon
1 large egg
Preheat oven to 170˚ / 160˚ on a fan oven. Grease and line a tray / tin.
Melt the butter, golden syrup and marmalade together. I did mine in the microwave in a pyrex jug, heating for a minute at a time to avoid any boiling jam splashes.
Grate the carrot into a mixing bowl.
Sift the dry ingredients into the bowl on top of the carrot. When you get to the end of the sifting and have all the wheat pieces left from the wholewheat flour give everything a last press to ensure any lumps of spices or flour are through the sieve then tip the wheat in. We're sifting to add some air but don't want to lose the goodness brought by using some wholewheat flour.
Stir gently to coat the carrot in flour so it doesn't clump together then make a well in the centre.
Pour the melty butter, syrup and marmalade mix in and gently fold in.

Bake. Mine took 40 minutes in this tray. Some recipes quoted up to an hour if using a smaller tray or a tin; therefore a greater depth of cake. It's done when a skewer pushed in comes out clean - though do be aware it could hit a spot of marmalade so it's worth doing it in 2 or 3 different places. The cake itself will be a nice golden brown and should spring back when pressed gently in the centre.
*I used 50g only of wholewheat flour as I hadn't made this recipe before and was already changing it with the addition of the carrot so I was wary of making it too heavy. As it is the bake has come out moist from the carrot but stayed light and airy so you could add up to 100g I think and it still be a good light bake. Don't forget the baking powder though!
Apparently like gingerbreads normally are, this is one of those bakes that improves after time; 3 days being the quoted timescale. Having tried it fresh my current impression is that I'm inclined to switch the spices round more next time by swapping out some of the ginger. At the moment the marmalade and general spices come through first then the ginger follows which seems a little unbalanced to me. However, I will come back in a few days and tell you how it is then. As I did end up using less golden syrup and more marmalade than originally planned this may have tipped the balance of the flavours. All in all I'm pleased though as it's stayed light, it's tasty, and it used up some odds and ends of marmalade and excess carrot innards. :-)