Friday, 9 September 2011

A different cheese and tomato sandwich

Take a cheese topped bap – mine was from S’burys and you can taste the cheese on them.  J  Better yet – make your own – I might try this with beer bread – we have tasteless lager left over from the BBQ last week and I picked up a set of those dinky loaf tins in TK Maxx the other day – shh – don’t tell the Chap!  He’s firmly of the opinion I have enough kitchen stuff cluttering up the place already.  He may even be right – stranger things have been known… :-D  Anyway – I am now in possession of some terribly cute wee tins so I’d best get on and use them so I can feel justified in buying them.
Once you have your cheese topped bap [at great length it seems] slice open and spread with mayo.  Fill generously with slices of fresh tomatoes and sprinkle with a little salt and pepper.  [I was at work so sadly was forced to forgo the pepper but it tastes just fine without it.]  Munch away endeavouring all the while not to throw tomato seeds all over your top.  This worked surprisingly well; such that I thought it worth sharing.  Having initially thought that just a tomato sandwich would be a little dull the fact that the roll was cheese topped really elevated it to something I’d chose to make another time – rather than a mid morning snackette at work made because a colleague had generously brought a box of home grown surplus toms in.  Enjoy!


  1. I bet it was the homegrown-ness of the tomatoes that made it really special

  2. It sounds delicious. I adore tomato sandwiches.

  3. Great, I can post here again. For some reason it wouldn't let me for a while.

  4. I'm glad you can post Danast - I love comments! Must admit to never having had a purely tomato sandwich before but they're lovely.
    I think you're right TA - homegrown toms have so much more flavour. I sadly seem to be rubbish at growing them myself though - I'm sure I'll keep trying - especially considering how many packets of seeds I have... :-)!


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