Thursday, 20 October 2011

Autumn sky

Well the temperature fell with a thump in the last 2 days - damnably chilly on the way home last night although not helped by the revolting cold I currently have.  (Thank you very much to The Chap for that one!)  It does make for some spiffing views this time of year though.  I always love it when you see the rays of light coming through the clouds - perfect!  Here's today's pic then.
I'm hoping to have a bit more time for a decent length post soon but hope you're liking the pics meanwhile. 

Taking Zeke off for his snip tomorrow followed by waiting in for the broadband men - I'm hoping that out of the 1-5pm slot I've been given they turn up closer to 1 as I really want to get down the allotment too.  Mind you that also depends on how much like death I feel - better keep taking the vitamin C!
Have a happy weekend all.  :-)


  1. Great picture Ruth. Hope you are feeling better by now? Take some Zinc too, that speeds up the recovery.

  2. Still feeling rubbish but thanks fior the tip re the zinc - I'll pick some up tonight!


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Thank you for reading. I read all my comments and am trying to get better at replying to them too. :-)
Lovely to have you pass by. Be shiny. :-D