*Found here: "Very simply, felt is matted wool. Wool becomes felt when it is subjected to moisture, heat, and pressure. (In fact, if domestic sheep were not shorn, over time their wool would felt or "cot".) Hot soapy water makes the wool slippery, and causes tiny scales on the fiber to "open up". The scales prevent the fibers from backing up again after they slide across each other; with agitation, the fibers get hopelessly tangled together. When cooled and dried, the scales close and lock the wool into the tough, durable material we call felt."
But do you have an old wool sweater that you can boil to death? I'd be very interested to see what you come up with, felting has always fascinated me but I've not yet taken the plunge.
ReplyDeleteI have indeed. Need to scope out the charity shops for some brighter colours though.