I mentioned that I had intended that post initially to mention some of the freebie sites around on the internet. Here you can (sometimes) get something for nothing - or for your sign up details generally. I don't see a problem with this myself. Create a 'dump' email address with a free provider like Hotmail or Yahoo and use that for freebie signing up purpo
ses. The pic on the last post showed a few recent items I've received - a Rimmel Max Volume Mascara £6-7 in the s
hops. [Verdict - pants; clumps like a git. I'd rather stick with my £2 boots number.] A Barbara Daly (who?) mascara £5+ [not used yet], a 50ml sample size of Dove intense repair conditioner and a full size pack of Whiskas Temptations treats (91p in S'burys) plus a 50p off voucher - this being what Zeke was mauling in the photo. Previously I've had sample size cat foods of James Wellbeloved, Purina, Felix, Oil of Olay moisturisers, Cheerios, tea bags various, a nice heavy 1/2 pint Grolsch glass and a personalised notepad [definitely my fave] amongst other things. So long as you set up an email addy specifically for use signing up for these
and keep a close eye on any tick boxes to opt in / out of communication I think there's no harm with these. The main site I check regularly-ish is Magic Freebies UK. From experience Oil of Olay and all the pet food sites are good responders. Others vary and also bear in mind that there's often a limited amount of freebies available. Oh and the free lunch? Here will give you a voucher for a sarnie/wrap at Walkabout; valid until the 19th. Here will currently give you a voucher for a glass of coke at Yates. Go forth and garner my friends. :-D

Fantastic, I seen that Purina offer today and applied it was on Magic Freebies! I also like getting free baby stuff from free stuff baby.