I returned home yesterday to find an intriguingly rattly and slightly portly envelope residing on the doormat. I love receiving proper post but sadly it barely happens these days, it's either all junk mail or the bank / utility companies telling me something I don't want to know. This then was a lovely little lift for me at the end of a long day, especially when I recognised the handwriting of a very good friend on the envelope.
Intrigued I tore in, noting that the postie had been kind enough to let me off the 19p underpayment on the stamp, plus a £1
'handling fee'! Thank you postie! :-)

I had...seeds!! I love seeds, I am addicted to seeds and although I may have a plethora of seed packets spilling out of their box and threatening world domination; or at least front room domination, I am certainly not averse to receiving some more.
My friend had sent me a mixture of veg, leaf, herb and a gooseberry which I've never grown before, with a little note to say she thought I may like these. What a star, and what a simple thing that made me a happy bunny for the rest of the evening.
I shall wrack my brains to think of a suitable reciprocal little item to send winging it's way to her.
Small kindnesses gladden my heart and make the world that little bit nicer a place.
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Thank you for reading. I read all my comments and am trying to get better at replying to them too. :-)
Lovely to have you pass by. Be shiny. :-D