I went via allotment2kitchen to littleblackfox's blog last week and made a comment on a veggie meat substitute she had made involving the use of Wheat Gluten. Now in the past I've trekked round all the various health food shops in Exeter trying to find this in order to make Seitan - pretend meat. I got various reactions ranging from total bafflement to the most informative at that time - or so I thought - of the news that you don't buy the stuff, you make it yourself through some long winded dough washing malarkey; or something like that. It sounded terribly worthy and a disparate amount of effort involved for the
volume of finished product you end up with. I shelved my ideas and ever since have been trying to use up a huge tub of 'nutritional yeast flakes' I had already purchased with a view to making this recipe; which was what had sparked the whole thing off for me.
Now here was a foodie blogger gaily discussing the use of wheat gluten like it was a totally normal product one could pick up any old where - 'What's her secret' thunk I; and asked in my comment. Rather nicely indeed littleblackfox suggested a couple of options for me to try and said she'd send me some in the post. As she has - a whole pack of the stuff!! And some really interesting sounding teas to try as well. As I mentioned at the top - I'm just in awe of how lovely that is of her to a total stranger who had not even commented before on her blog. Little Black Fox - I salute you as the cream of humankind.
Aww, thank you, *blush* and you're more than welcome! I remember when I first heard about wheat gluten, and couldn't find the stuff anywhere, so i sympathised with your plight! I'm really pleased to see that my little parcel got to you safely & all in one piece.
ReplyDeleteHave fun playing around with it, and I'm looking forward to seeing the results!
ReplyDeleteLittleblackfox has a big big heart. I too have been overly spoiled by her kindness x