It's pickled white beetroot from my friend and very good stuff it is too. That vinegar is strong! Wincingly so in fact. But in a good way.
They have also given me some runner bean chutney which I am looking forward to trying this weekend with some crackers and nice cheese.
A lunch of crackers and cheese and olives and other lovely nibbly things; if taken in the french style - long and with a bottle of good wine - is one of the finer ways to spend a lunchtime hour or two in my opinion. I thank my parents wholeheartedly for introducing me to this at a young age.
You may be gathering by now that I'm a little bit 'foodie'. Not in a snobbish way but in an 'I get terribly excited by foodie stuff' type of way. If you're in the Devon area in a couple of weeks check out the snappily titled (deep breath) 'Exeter Festival of South West Food and Drink.' This festival includes numerous producers and suppliers of food stuffs, condiments, tracklements, alcohol of all conceivable types, equipment and lots of lovely things to eat and drink whilst there and I heartily recommend it. I'm looking forward to it!
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