Wednesday 17 March 2010

Total apathy

My lack of enthusiasm for my work knows no bounds. Hey ho - here's a couple of cheeky nice free things instead:
Cheese! - There is no conceivable time free cheese could be a bad thing lets face it!
Seeds - Finally the BBC Dig In website went live and you can sign up for 5 free packs of seeds.
Go to it my friends. :-)


  1. I'm going to pass on the cheese, but the seeds - Nice one!

    Thanks for sharing. It really is appreciated.

  2. You're welcome. I'm hoping they don't take too long to come this year!


I love my comments!!!!
Thank you for reading. I read all my comments and am trying to get better at replying to them too. :-)
Lovely to have you pass by. Be shiny. :-D